

蝉 semi(以下総称「蝉 semi」、または当社)は、個人情報の重要性を認識し、個人情報保護の活動を当社の基盤的活動として位置づけております。当社は、個人情報保護の取組みを真摯に実行することは社会的責務であると認識し、以下の通り個人情報保護方針を定め、役員、社員、協働者に周知し、徹底を図ります。


1. 個人情報の適切な収集、利用、提供、預託

  • お客様の個人情報の収集にあたっては、本人又は第三者の権利利益を害するおそれがある場合などを除き、本人に対して利用目的を明らかにし、同意を頂いた上で収集します。収集した個人情報はその目的以外に利用せず、利用範囲を限定し、適切に取り扱います。
  • 収集した個人情報は、法令に基づく命令などを除き、あらかじめお客様の同意を得ることなく第三者に提供することはありません。
  • 収集した個人情報を、第三者に預ける(預託する)場合には十分な個人情報保護の水準を備える者を選び、また、契約等によって保護水準を守るよう定めた上で、指導・管理を実施し、適切に取り扱います。


2. 開示、訂正、利用停止等の求めに応じる手続



3. 個人情報の滅失、き損、漏えいおよび不正アクセスなどの予防ならびに是正



4. 個人情報に関する法令およびその他の規範の遵守



5. 個人情報保護方針および社内規程類の継続的改善



蝉 semi
制定日 平成23年12月1日

E-mail: mail@semi.tv





semi (hereinafter referred to as “semi” or “the Company”) recognizes the importance of personal information and considers protecting customers’ personal information to be a fundamental part of its activities. The Company recognizes that the rigorous implementation of measures for the protection of personal information is its social responsibility and has established the following privacy policy. The Company strives to familiarize its directors, employees and business partners with this policy and to ensure that it is followed.


1. Collection, use, sharing and entrustment of personal information

  • semi will not collect personal information from customers where to do so may infringe the rights or damage the interests of the customer or of a third party. When collecting personal information, the Company will declare the purposes for which the information is to be used to the customer, and will seek the prior consent of the customer for its use. The Company will not use the personal information it has collected for any purpose other than those declared. The Company will limit the purposes for which the information may be used and will handle the information in an appropriate manner.
  • The Company will not share personal information it has collected with a third party without the prior consent of the customer, except to comply with a court order, etc.
  • If entrusting the management of personal information it has collected to a third party, the Company will select a third party that provides an adequate level of protection for such personal information. semi will also draw up a contract, etc. requiring the third party to maintain the necessary level of protection and will instruct and supervise the third party in the appropriate handling of the information.


2. Response to requests for disclosure, amendment or suspension of use

semi will respond without delay, within reason, to requests for the disclosure, amendment or suspension of use of personal information that it holds.


3. Prevention of and remedial action in case of loss, damage, leakage and unauthorized access

semi will manage customers’ personal information with care and will take measures to prevent loss, damage, leakage and unauthorized access.


4. Compliance with laws and other rules on personal information

semi’s directors, employees and business partners will comply with laws, guidelines and other rules relating to the protection of personal information and the privacy of communication.


5. Continual improvement of privacy policy and internal regulations

semi will continually improve its privacy policy and internal regulations to ensure effective protection of personal information as demanded by society.


Date established: December 1, 2011
The above policy is subject to revision. All changes will be posted on this Web page.